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Unmasking the Lost Girls: Overlooked Neurodiversity in Women

Data for years has shown that a significantly higher number of men were diagnosed with neurodiversity than women. Studies of neurological conditions are often based on male standpoints and symptoms; however, there is a large difference in how many women experience certain symptoms or are affected by neurodiversity. This is because women often don't fit the stereotypical symptoms of these disorders.

Neurodivergent women slip under the radar as research done on these disorders is usually based off of the male viewpoint. This causes many women to go undiagnosed at times, starving them of the resources for help and validation that are so important. Under-diagnosis in girls is especially common with ADHD(Attention-Deficit/ Hyper-activity deficit/hyperactivity disorder) and ASD (autism spectrum disorder). touches on how girls who go undiagnosed for ASD have been termed "the lost girls". So why do these "lost girls" go undiagnosed? Recent research has shown that young girls are likely to "mask" their symptomatic behaviors to mimic the social behaviors of their peers. mentions that greater emotional control by women with ASD as opposed to males with ASD has been shown and they usually internalize their symptoms. Women often do not isolate themselves from peers, in contrast to their male counterparts. Due to not fitting the stereotypical research "mold" based largely on male symptoms, many girls go undiagnosed. In fact, 80% of autistic girls will remain undiagnosed with ASD by the age of 18. Not being understood and validated and not being given the proper resources for help can cause many problems. When left undiagnosed, things like depression, anxiety, eating disorders, self-harm, and loss of self-esteem are likely to manifest.

Similar to ASD going unnoticed in girls, ADHD commonly goes unnoticed as well. ADHD in women has been underfunded significantly, and it was not until the 2000s that long-term studies materialized. ADHD presents itself differently in women than it does in men, similar to women with ASD, those with ADHD tend to internalize their symptoms and are more likely to show the inattentive ADHD types in contrast to the common hyperactivity Impulsivity in males. Societal gender stereotypes, such as being shy or quiet can cause many girls to go undiagnosed as well. Going undiagnosed while having these disorders can cause many other problems stemming from them. Being diagnosed is important and will give the patient validation and resources that are very important and needed

Medical research that promotes equality for everyone and focuses on diversity as a way to better understand and help individuals is crucial. It is important to raise awareness and educate the general public about issues like these. Although progress has been made in researching neurodivergent women, many women are still not diagnosed correctly. However, improvements and advances are being made, and this issue is now being recognized. The future holds promise for better advancements in the field of neurodiversity, and we are moving forward into it.


  1. "AIF - American India Foundation." AIF - American India Foundation,

  2. "Child Mind Institute." Child Mind Institute,

  3. "Diagnosis: Healthcare Services, Health News, Health Tools, Doctors and Hospitals for the Patient." Diagnosis,


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